Father's Daay 2010

Father's Daay 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

coupon obsessed

**Day 1 of saving money with coupon adventures by Ashlee**
Ok so I am officially obsessed with couponing. Today I spent about an hour or so organizing all my coupons and looking through the weekly adds to see who had the best deals and where to use the coupons. Then i set out on the adventure, and let me tell you, it was so much fun saving money(not so much fun trying to find all the items i wanted to buy though). And i was able to save all this money by coupons as wel as waiting for things to go on sale and buy 1 get 1 free items. But anywho~ I ended up getting to much stuff for really a small amount of money. I would have taken a picture of everything i bought but i had a lot of frozen stuff and it was already melting and making a mess so no can do on the picture. But i can tell you the grand totals for all my shopping today. Its just awesome to look at and makes me to excited. Now we shouldn't need groceries or house goods for a while, other than fruit that you cant keep for too long anyways. but here it goes:
spent $41.13
saved $45.21

spent $58.83
saved $90.80

spent $53.70
saved $86.41

so for a grand total today of:
spent $153.66
saved $222.42

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